La Ponytail #3 o, in alternativa, la #4, era la protagonista di una confezione regalo presentata nel 1960, Party Set . Oltre alla Barbie, con il suo costume zebrato e gli orecchini a cerchio dorato o con le perle, il set comprendeva 5 outfits . Quattro erano del 1959 e uno del 1960. Di ogni outfit furono scelti solo alcuni pezzi essenziali: del Golden Girl #911 l’abito di broccato e la collana di perle, dell’ Undergarments #919 le coulottes e il reggiseno, del Plantation Bell #966 , il vestito, la sottogonna e le scarpe rosa, del Suburban Shopper #969 l’abito azzurro e il cappello e del Silken Flame #977 il vestito, la cintura dorata e la pochette dorata.
The Ponytail # 3 or, as an alternative, the # 4, was the protagonist of a gift set presented in 1960, Party Set . In addition to Barbie, with its zebra costume and gold hoop earrings or with pearls, the set included 5 outfits . Four erean of 1959 and one of 1960. Of every outfit only some essential pieces were chosen: of the Golden Girl # 911 only the brocade dress and the pearl necklace, of Undergarments # 919 the coulottes and the bra, of Plantation Bell # 966 , the dress, the petticoat and the pink shoes, the Suburban Shopper # 969 the dress and the hat and the Silken Flame # 977 the dress, the golden belt and the golden clutch.
Code: 856 Year: 1960 Name: Party Set Designer: Jack Ryan Body: Vintage Body Mark: Barbie ™ PATS PEND ©MCMLVIII BY MATTEL INC Face mold: Barbie - © 1958 Mattel Inc.
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