1959-1994 : on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of Barbie, the first Teen Age Fashion Model returns, identical in every detail to the original version. In addition to the reproduction of the original Barbie of 1959, the gift set proposes two famous outfits: Roman Holiday # 968 and Easter Parade # 971, both from 1959.
Volto Barbie repro
Barbie repro face mold
Contents: reproduction of the original 1959 Barbie doll and package, zebra-stripe bathing suit, stand, shoes, sunglasses, earrings, Roman Holiday dress with coat, hat, hankie, necklace, black rimmed glasses and case, gloves, earrings, shoes, comb, purse, compact, Easter Parade dress with coat, headband hat, clutch bag, gloves, necklace, earrings, booklet. Contenuto: riproduzione dell’originale Barbie del 1959 e sua confezione, costume a righe, piedistallo, scarpe, occhiali, orecchini, abito Roman Holiday con soprabito, cappello, fazzoletto, collana, occhiali da sole bordati di nero e astuccio, guanti, orecchini, scarpe, pettine, borsetta, abito Easter Parade con soprabito, copricapo a fascia, borsetta, guanti, collana, orecchini, opuscolo.
1959-1994 : in occasione del 35° anniversario di Barbie, torna la prima Teen Age Fashion Model, identica in ogni dettaglio alla versione originale. La confezione gift set propone, oltre alla riproduzione della Barbie originale del 1959, due famosi outfit: Roman Holiday #968 e Easter Parade #971, entrambi del 1959.
On    the    left , the 1994 Barbie repro wears the two outfits in the 35th Anniversary package; on   the   right , the pages of the booklet that showed the two suits, Easter Parade # 971 consisting of a suit and a black overcoat, and Roman Holiday # 968 a colorful full summer.
A    sinistra , la Barbie repro del 1994 indossa i due outfit presenti nella confezione del 35° Anniversario; a    destra , le pagine del libretto che mostrava i due completi, Easter Parade #971 formato da un abito e un soprabito nero, e Roman Holiday #968 un colorato completo estivo.
Detail of the package Dettaglio della confezione
(Original 1959 Barbie Doll Fashions & Package)
35th Anniversary Teen Age Fashion Model Gift Set
Code: 11591 Year: 1994 Name: 35th Anniversary Teen Age Fashion Model Designer: - Body: Vintage Repro Body Mark: Barbie ® © 1958. 1993 Mattel, Inc. Malaysia Face mold: Barbie repro Headmark: © Mattel Inc. 1958