This Barbie wears the " Enchanted Evening " suit. When it was released in 1960 , the outfit had been proposed alone, code #983 , as one of the many clothes with which to dress their Barbie. This series proposes the replica of the Barbie model directly wearing the outfit.
Questa Barbie indossa il completo " Enchanted Evening ". Quando era uscito, nel 1960 , l'insieme era stato proposto da solo, col codice #983 , come uno dei tanti abbigliamenti con cui vestire la propria Barbie. Questa serie propone la replica del modello di Barbie direttamente con indosso il completo.
Volto Barbie repro
Barbie repro face mold
Conteins: Barbie doll, gown with train, furry stole, faux «pearl» necklace and earrings, long gloves, shoes, brush, doll stand, reply card Contenuto: Barbie, abito con strascico, collana e orecchini in finte perle, guanti da sera, scarpe, spazzola, piedistallo, cartolina replica
The headmark Il marchio sulla nuca
The hairstyle L’acconciatura
(1960 Fashion and Doll Reproduction)
Enchanted Evening Barbie
Code: 15407 Year: 1996 Name: Enchanted Evening Barbie Designer: - Body: Vintage Repro Body Mark: Barbie ® © 1958. 1993 Mattel, Inc. Malaysia Face mold: Barbie repro Headmark: © Mattel Inc. 1958